Groups: LinkedIn’s Most Valuable Feature

LinkedIn is popular among B2B marketers, but it is a lesser understood social network, leaving some unsure how to use it most effectively. Even if they utilize the platform, many marketers are not using the feature we believe to be most valuable to them: LinkedIn Groups.

Here are a few reasons Groups will work for you:

The Rules Apply

Though you are probably not a marketer who needs them, there are a set of rules by which Group users must abide. This creates a level of trust that will extend to your group members. They know promotion will not be overdone, so when it happens, they notice.

Niche Appeal

Groups have a niche appeal, which is perfect for the B2B marketer. They provide a place to connect with other members of your highly specialized industry, and they give you forum for discussion, a great place to provide insight and collect content ideas.

To Your Advantage

The power of a Group lies in your ability to leverage its power. Simply posting blog links might not be enough; instead, use the Group to listen to consumer problems and offer solutions. Your LinkedIn Group will become one of your most valued places to build trust with customers.

How has LinkedIn worked for your company?

(Image credit: Nan Palmero)