How Are You Spending Your Social Media Budget for 2013?

Last week, BtoB Magazine covered a study that found only 27% of B2B companies had a staff member exclusively devoted to social media.

We found that number a little bit surprising given the fact that B2B spending on social media marketing is expected to grow to $54 million by 2014 (just over a year from now) and 41% of B2B marketers are increasing their social budgets in 2013. This begs the question: if you’re not spending your social budget on full-time staff, what are you spending it on?

Are you hiring an outside agency or consultant to run your social media programs? If so, are you satisfied with the relationship?

Are you distributing social media work amongst employees who have many other responsibilities? Do they have enough time and focus to handle competing priorities?

Are you paying for analytics, development and design? If so, has it improved your ability meet your goals?

Are you spending your budget on social advertising through channels like LinkedIn and Facebook? If so, has the investment been worth it?