How internal branding leads to talent

Strong internal branding usually leads to another crucial piece of business success: a strong employment brand. While the two are similar, they have to be nurtured in separate ways. At their core, however, they have something important in common — employee empowerment.

If you’re not sure how your company’s employment brand is doing, understanding the answers to these three questions will help:

What exactly is employment brand?

Simply defined, employment brand is the perception your employees and prospective hires have of what it’s like to work at your company. It’s the first impression you make on potential employees, and it’s the expectations you set for new hires. Most importantly, it’s the reason your best employees decide to stick around.

Are companies at the mercy of outside perception?

Too many companies fail to take an active role in shaping employment brand. Instead, they consider themselves to be at the mercy of word-of-mouth, customer opinion and media coverage of the company.  This is a mistake. Organizations have the power to actively shape employment brand, and done correctly, it makes them great. After all, it’s usually not a product that makes a company – it’s the exceptional team behind it. Finding a way to hire and keep the right people is worth the effort.

How does developing a strong employment brand lead to the ideal staff member?

A properly developed employment brand will include messaging that convincingly communicates the benefits and value you offer to prospective hires. This clear representation of the company’s intentions naturally attracts people whose interests align with your own. After they’re acquired, a strong employment goes a step further with plans to ensure its promises are kept. This keeps your best employees committed to the organization and happy over the long term.

How does your company address employment branding?

Photo via Movéo