Everyone in digital marketing understands the importance of compelling subject lines. Getting emails opened is essential to conversion, so there are endless advice posts on the internet to help marketers make subjects more clickable and appealing. Despite the buzz, sometimes it’s still difficult to pinpoint exactly what makes a subject line work for your audience. They have a unique set of interests, after all, which is exactly why they’ve signed up to communicate with you.

B2B companies often find it particularly challenging to craft engaging subject lines. Faced with highly technical products, marketers feel confined to complex, serious language. Thankfully, B2B communications can be just as engaging as their B2C counterparts.

Here are six ways to make B2B headlines just as sexy as anyone else’s:

1) Always address audience concerns

Subject lines can address the concerns of your audience by incorporating any number of things: industry, company, location or product interests, to name a few. Whatever you choose, make it clear in your subjects that you solve your customers’ problems.

2) Stay short and sweet

Your prospect’s inbox gets very full, so competing for opens is no easy feat. According to this data, 28-39 characters is the ideal length for an email subject line, so increase opens by keeping it short and sweet.

3) Don’t get too clever or complex

In subject lines, direct and easy to understand is the way to go. While it might be tempting to be vague or clever, customers prefer to know exactly what you’re offering if they choose to click.

4) Ask questions

Prospects like to be engaged with questions. Use them in subject lines to demonstrate understanding or start a conversation that will continue in the email.

5) Add B2B personalizations

Don’t be afraid to customize subject lines with the data you’ve collected from prospects. In B2B, this might mean calling out product interest or referencing the lead’s company by name. Go ahead and use the space to tell them exactly how your product will enhance their company.

6) Stress benefits

Not unlike B2C communications, B2B prospects want to know how your email, product or company will be of value to them. Your 28-39 characters can be used to directly stress a benefit of purchase.

Our most important tip? Get creative. B2B prospects are human and like to engage in human conversations.

Are your B2B headlines engaging?

Image via (cc) Samah R