We all love a happy customer, but if there’s one thing we love even more, it’s the customer who can’t stop talking about how great we are. What better marketing is there than someone recommending your company or product to everyone they meet?

Although it is too often neglected, word-of-mouth marketing is highly effective. A poll by Harris Interactive, available here, reveals that 45% of Americans are at least somewhat influenced by online customer reviews. These satisfied customers are our brand advocates, our unpaid spokesmen and spokeswomen. How can B2B marketers empower them? Read on to find out. We’re sharing five ways to fire up the conversation about your company.

How to Create and Reward Brand Advocates

The testimony of a brand advocate is enticing on two levels.  Since they are unpaid, we assume they are also unbiased. And knowing that a real, live person has had a good experience with a company ups that company’s credibility majorly. So share the love with your brand advocates by giving them a story to tell and a reward for telling it.  Here are some ideas to get you started:

1. Create Shareable Content That Sets You Apart

With so many businesses out there selling similar things, you need to differentiate yourself.  So tell your story.  Tell where you got your inspiration or why you’re just a bit different (and just a bit better) than the next guy.  And make sure that you tell it in a way that people will want to talk about, or at least forward to their friends.

2.  Tweet and Retweet

Take advantage of social media outlets that favor re-sharing information.  Share news of an upcoming event on Twitter; blog about your awesome team.  This will not only keep you connected with your customer, it will keep you current.  And it will make it super-easy to pass the information along.

3.  Reply with Thanks

How often have you read a reply to a comment on Yelp, TripAdvisor, or another review site?  Thank your brand supporters by posting a quick reply and you’ll come across as a more customer-centric organization.  You’ll also have a brand advocate who feels even better about trumpeting what a great experience he or she has had. It’s a win-win.
<h234.  Include a Plus-One

When you are sending promotional materials to clients – whether it’s a coupon or an invitation to an upcoming members-only event – throw in an extra and suggest that your customer give it to another interested party.

5.  Show the Love

Don’t just pawn off your loyal brand advocate with a social media shout-out and a coupon.  Demonstrate them your appreciation by offering a special perk for referrals – for the refer-er and the refer-ee.  This isn’t a new idea, but don’t discount it.  Who doesn’t love a deal?

These tips will give your brand advocates the means to get your story out, and an incentive for doing so.  You, in turn, get a whole new set of leads.  That, my friends, is good business.

Image credit: Kevin Shorter