If you liked this month’s exploration of brand strength, be sure to download the white paper by Brian Davies, Movéo Managing Partner here: 10 Simple Truths About Strong Brands

Building brand strength not only has great benefits, it’s essential to your company’s long-term success. Even the organizations who consider their brand built have to put extensive effort into tweaking it and keeping it top of mind for their customers. If you want to find your own “special glow,” we’ve got some basic steps to help you get there.

Four ways to build brand strength:


1. Clarify your vision

Though this might sound like a no-brainer, you’d be shocked to discover how many companies haven’t truly clarified their vision. Once it’s developed, it becomes clear that it impacts the brand and every part of company strategy, from big-picture goals to daily decision-making.

2. Survey customers regularly to stay relevant

As we said before, relevance requires renewal. To build your brand’s strength, develop a plan for frequent customer surveys. Gauging their interests regularly is the best way to meet their needs consistently over time. Even better, finding a way to do that will make you their top choice for years to come.

3. Unify messaging across all departments

At the heart of your brand is a promise. That message cannot be communicated effectively to prospects without careful attention to your company’s messaging. Whether it’s a tweet, an email or a piece of mail, every detail matters. Strong brands are unified, from the inside out.

4. Bring in the experts

It might go without saying, but getting an outside assessment of your brand’s strength is the best way to look at it objectively and build it effectively. Building a powerful brand is no easy task, and it makes sense to call in the experts. As always, feel free to get in touch with us to learn more about our work at Movéo.