Landis+Gyr: a cross-channel marketing success

At Movéo, we don’t just preach cross-channel content optimization and campaign integration, we practice it. When we partnered with Landis+Gyr to create the Future.Ready. campaign, high-quality, channel-optimized content was at the center of our efforts.

Landis+Gyr: A Leader in Smart Grid Technology

A part of the Toshiba Group of companies, Landis+Gyr provides products that help utilities manage energy. They are a global leader in utility metering solutions, but they were having difficulty breaking into North American markets. They turned to Movéo to help them raise their profile in the U.S. and position them as the clear leader in smart grid technology.


We began by building a unifying, impactful value proposition to demonstrate Landis+Gyr’s leadership in the industry. After testing four options in a national study, one clear winner emerged: a statement about Landis+Gyr’s flexible, tailored solutions that work today and will work tomorrow was determined to best convey the value of the Landis+Gyr brand. Once we had that message in place, we set out to build a cross-channel campaign to bring it to life.

We knew highly engaging content would be at the center of our strategy, and that choosing the appropriate channels and optimizing our content to each of them would determine our success. Here are a few of the channels we chose:


We developed a video explaining the importance of smart grid technologies for the Landis+Gyr website, YouTube channel and for email campaigns. In the video, we showcased short interviews with Landis+Gyr executives explaining the need for better metering technologies, and paired these with video clips illustrating how the technologies could be used in real life. Whether viewed via YouTube, email or the Landis+Gyr website, the videos offered an educational introduction to the smart grid for customers unfamiliar with the technology.

Digital and print magazine

The campaign video provided a brief glimpse into the importance of smart grid technologies, but we knew that target customers needed more in-depth content to truly understand this highly technical topic and move into the next phase of the sales funnel. With that in mind, we developed Future.Ready., a Landis+Gyr-branded magazine, to take a deeper dive into all things smart grid. Available in both an e-zine and paper format and targeted at Landis+Gyr’s ideal buyer, Future.Ready. continued to promote Landis+Gyr’s state-of-the-art technology. It also furthered the company’s thought leadership while addressing the questions and concerns of industry leaders through articles such as “Preventing Cyberattacks: Can Utilities Hack It?” The magazine component of the campaign allowed us to reach buyers who were further along in the decision-making process and ready for more in-depth educational content.

Responsive website

In order to create a home for the Future.Ready. campaign and maximize Landis+Gyr’s digital presence for different browsers and devices, we created a responsive website. The Future.Ready. microsite was designed as a visually appealing and easy-to-navigate home for all of the campaign assets. Regardless of whether they were visiting the site from a mobile device, tablet or computer, visitors could find information tailored to their needs, including white papers, case studies and more videos.

Cross-channel content, working together

By building a campaign around an impactful, tested value proposition and ensuring that all content we created was optimized for the channel through which it was delivered, we were able to establish Landis+Gyr as a trusted brand in the energy management industry. The latest metrics from a brand study show that Landis+Gyr is now the clear category leader, with a 56% mindshare. Landis+Gyr earned a boost over its competitors as a result of the campaign, and is now the preferred supplier of AMI and smart grid solutions. At the same time, consumers now most strongly associate Landis+Gyr with the “future-proof” positioning we developed.

To learn more about Movéo’s work with Landis+Gyr and the resulting outcomes, take a look at our case study.