As any marketer knows, there is a great deal of work that goes on behind-the-scenes leading up to a campaign launch. Fortunately, as we’ve gained access to more and better data, we’ve been able to work smarter, not harder during our recent campaign launches. Guesswork has gone out the window in favor of data-driven planning and preparation. Here are a few ways you can utilize data to make your next campaign launch more effective.

Use Data to Determine Start Dates and Time

There’s plenty of data about the best dates and times to launch a campaign, but what’s best for someone else may not be ideal for your brand. Use your own analytics to understand your buyers, their digital habits and their buying cycles in order to decide on a date and time that is going to be most beneficial to start your campaign. While you’re at it, communicate with the sales department in order to understand what times are best for them to reach potential customers and leads, and make sure your timing is aligned with their needs.

Remember that the different elements of your campaign may require different start dates and times in order to maximize their efficacy. The customers you’re reaching via your social media efforts may have different online habits and buying cycles than those you’re reaching through your email campaigns, so be sure to differentiate your timing to align with the needs of your different audiences.

Maximize Initial Momentum

Once a campaign officially launches, it’s essential to start collecting data right away on how people are interacting with its components. Those early days of a campaign are when you have the best chance of maximizing its initial momentum, so be sure you’re keeping up on what’s working and what’s not and then readjusting your strategy accordingly. Communicate your insights to the sales team and others who are involved in the campaign as well so they can leverage them in their work.

Leverage the A/B Test

Today, there is no excuse for launching a campaign to a massive audience before first testing it on a smaller one. A/B test every element of your campaign with a small test audience, and maintain only the components that perform best in your larger launch.

Let us know: how are you gearing up for your next launch?