Like everything else, lead management has changed with the digital landscape. Internet touches have a lot of reach, but today’s lead generation process is different – there’s less direct contact. Marketers are required to find new ways to obtain the same old thing: a quality list with clean information.

Today’s knowledgable consumers often find companies before marketers even have a chance to discover them. And at that point, they’re often in an advanced stage of the sales funnel, nearing the point of decision. To adapt to this self-directed buying process, marketers face the challenge of placing their companies in a position to get discovered. Only then will they have a real lead to manage.

Once leads are found, they have to be nurtured in compelling ways that match today’s fast pace yet remain true to brand voice. They have to find value in your company’s content and come back for more, at which point they might consider buying. Sound challenging?

If lead management sounds intimidating, we’re here to help.

That’s why we’re devoting December to best practices and tips for lead management, from start to finish.

See you Wednesday, when we’ll discuss why lead management needs a careful plan.

Image via (cc) HarshLight