Strong internal brands complement and leverage the power of their companies’ corporate brands. In many ways, they are employee manifestations of external branding. They set expectations for how employees should represent the company and how customers should be treated. They help employees commit to business and mission, because the value associated with their place of work is clearly outlined.

As you know, internal brands don’t sustain themselves. Management can do its part to cultivate brand values, but in the end, they are fostered by your people – the employees who live the brand day in and day out. Hopefully, those people let your brand shape every decision they make in the workplace and every interaction they have with customers.

Wondering how to help your employees live the brand? Here are three tips:

1. High-quality internal communications

Develop high-quality internal communications for your company. They’ll keep your employees engaged and offer a consistent example of what you expect from their external communications.

2. Invest in brand-related professional development

Want your employees to buy into your company’s mission? Put your money where your mouth is. Offer professional development that adds value to your employees’ lives and teaches them key things about what your company stands for.

3. Reward hard workers

Hard workers and high achievers deserve to be recognized. Offer exciting incentives for employees who really commit and make an impact at your company. This will cultivate a healthy work ethic for everyone and show employees that you value their efforts.

When it comes to helping employees live the brand, encouragement from the top makes all the difference. What works at your company?