Make Your Brand Cohesive to Increase Engagement

As we’ve been discussing all month, engagement is essential to business growth but hard to quantify. Most senior leaders would agree that it’s crucial to engage prospects, customers and employees, but devoting equal attention to three siloed groups is difficult. This challenge leads many companies to give up on one or two key categories, usually focusing on the one they assume is most closely linked to revenue.

As many have figured out, all three of these groups impact sales and need to be engaged. Believe it or not, it’s possible to manage them all. In fact, we believe that the most successful companies have figured out how to balance all key relationship groups effectively. How can you join them?

Make your brand one cohesive unit, from the inside out.

Forget internal and external branding. It’s all the same thing. Your brand has the power to affect prospects, customers and team members equally. If you’re wondering how to strengthen your brand in every direction, we’ve got some tips. Make these three things a priority:

1. Internal culture

Internal investment has benefits that extend outward. As we shared last week, helping employees grow and play a role in decision making increases engagement. Next month, we’ll be sharing more tips for cultivating thought leadership and mentorship at your company, so stay tuned.

2. Consistent messaging

Clearly define your brand values, and extend them to everyone. Your employees and your leads should feel equally engaged by your brand promise, and it should be present at every touchpoint, inwardly and outwardly.

3. Social business

Movéo’s own Kevin Randall wrote the afterword in The Social Employee, a book explaining that great brands start on the inside and that employees can and should be empowered to share them outwardly. Explore the adoption of social business methodologies to make your brand presence more comprehensive in the modern digital landscape.

How does your company project brand promise in all directions?

Image via (cc) Skoll World Forum