These days it’s hard not to read the news, turn on the TV or go for a walk without someone talking about the economy and bailouts for the financial and automotive industry.  Usually this news is followed up by a story that some company, who is begging for money is also throwing lavish training seminars at spas across the country or taking private jets to Washington.

What I find interesting is that these corporations, these marketing icons, are making such public relations fauxpas.  How would congress have reacted if the big three would have driven to D.C. in a new hybrids and said “We need to change they way we have been doing things and we’ll start by investing in fuel efficient cars,” or is AIG would have held meetings at their home office to train employees. These events have no doubt hurt their images on a national scale.

We at Movéo say that you are your company’s brand.  A brand is comprised of thousands of "moments of truth".  These "moments" are interactions that take place every day within a company, and outside of the orghanization with customers, clients, patients, etc. The examples that AIG and the big three have set over the last few weeks certainly did not provide a positive image of their brands.  For the sake of Wall Street and Detroit let’s hope they can figure out who they are as a brand and where they want to go into the future.

Lewis Bailey, Engagement Manager