Positive Adaptation: The Cure for Perpetual Novice Syndrome

As we discussed Monday, our fast-paced world is creating Perpetual Novice Syndrome among marketers. How are we supposed to learn every new tool and trend? On top of that, how are we supposed to use each to its fullest potential? The answer is more simple than you might think: Positive Adaptation.

Though it is possible that the rate of innovation will slow down, it is unlikely. We believe that this constant state of disruptive change is the “new norm.” If that is indeed the case, an entirely different behavioral approach will be needed for marketers to thrive.

Take, for example, Big Data – a trend all marketers are being forced to consider. The volume and variety of data that has become available is staggering. CMOs have been worrying about how their marketing departments will cope with the much-discussed impending data explosion. A recent study by the CMO Council and SAS found many issues impeding organizations from using Big Data effectively: rigid silos, a lack of CMO/CIO alignment, unclear responsibilities, and poor leadership.

The issue, then, is not Big Data itself, but the organizational barriers surrounding it. We believe that these barriers are a direct result of individual behaviors. Perpetual Novice Syndrome inhibits employees from gaining the knowledge necessary to make sound judgments in such situations. We believe the cycle that leads to these behaviors is one of maladaptation – collecting habits that started as useful but, over time, became harmful.

Over the next two weeks, we look forward to sharing four tips for turning maladaptive marketing behaviors into Positive Adaptation.