Projecting the Success of Your Next B2B Social Media Campaign

Is your brand effectively harnessing data insights to improve its social media marketing?

Digital marketing is full of opportunities to apply such insights to improve ROI, but too many brands still don’t use data effectively.

By focusing on the necessary metrics and KPIs, your team can determine the projected ROI of a social media campaign and discuss how to ensure strategy and tactics are aligned with these predictions. Start with these metrics:


Likes, shares and retweets really do matter to your business. These interactions are both an important source of data and an avenue for greater brand reach. Follow engagement over time with tools including Facebook Page Insights and Twitter Analytics.

In addition to the number of interactions, pay close attention to what content your followers appreciate. Segment the insights by demographics. Use data from past campaigns to project the success of your next one and to better target your message to the audience you want to reach.


Social media campaigns may aim to lead directly to new purchases, or they may focus on raising brand awareness. Choose specific goals when creating a new campaign. Based on the campaign’s goals, decide what counts as a conversion. Is it a purchase? A request for more information?

Again, look to related past campaigns to set goals and strategy. Then, plan tactics. Create specific social media content based on your goals for the campaign and past performance. These may include targeted offers, educational content and more.

These are just two of the many social media metrics your brand can measure and use to create great campaigns. Come back Wednesday and Friday to learn more about how data and insights can improve B2B marketing campaigns.

Photo Credit: Bruno Cordioli via Flickr Creative Commons