With the end of March comes the end of the first quarter of 2015. Since the beginning of the year, we’ve been focusing on the essentials we need to move ahead into the future with purpose and focus. As we wrap up Q1, let’s take a look back on the topics we’ve been buzzing about for the last three months.

The Transition to 4E

Since we first wrote about the new marketing value chain in late 2014, we’ve focused on centering our work on data and insights. This isn’t an easy switch to make–as we said in our whitepaper, the “rules and tools” value chain is hard to escape–but we’ve spent Q1 making the case that a data-driven approach is the way to go. By delivering a “know-why” strategy instead of the traditional “know-how” other agencies provide, we’ve been able to deliver more efficient, optimized solutions for our clients, and many are already seeing the bottom-line results of this change.

A Focus on Purpose

This quarter, we’ve discussed how purpose-driven business can both increase profits and cut costs. As we’ve said, customers want to patronize organizations that share their values and employees want to work where they can contribute to meaningful outcomes. These trends are especially marked among millennials. As that generation becomes an ever-larger share of the workforce and controls more purchasing power, purpose is becoming an increasingly more powerful marketing tool for savvy businesses.

What’s Next?

As we continue our work into Q2, we’ll take the lessons of Q1 and apply them to discussions on ROI and marketing outcomes. What’s next for us is a look into how to further operationalize purpose, data, and insights to produce a strong return on investment and boost the influence of marketing.

Let us know: what are you looking forward to in Q2 and the rest of 2015?