Return on Acceleration: Get The White Paper

This month we’ve discussed how B2B marketers should approach a relentlessly evolving world. Technology is not going to slow down anytime soon, and we want a return on this acceleration.

We have noticed that many marketers, in the onslaught of information, are suffering from Perpetual Novice Syndrome. Having new information thrown at you at such alarming rates feels threatening, and we suggest that you cope with Positive Adaptation.

We believe the cycle that leads to Perpetual Novice Syndrome is maladaptive, and we suggest you respond with these steps: Accept accelerated change. Decode accelerated change. Process accelerated change.

Our white paper provides an explanation of each step, with many helpful hints to get there. Download it now.

We can’t control the emergence of more and more sophisticated tools and technologies. The only thing we can control is how we adapt.