The best Times to Tweet, Blog and Facebook Post

TV has prime time and radio has the morning and evening commute. But what about social media? Have you ever wondered if a “peak time” exists for tweeting, posting to Facebook or blogging? It turns out that some times of day are, in fact, better than others for social media engagement.

According to a recent study by URL shortener and social media tracker Bitly the best times to post to social media are as follows:

  • Twitter: 1-3 pm EST Monday through Friday
  • Facebook 1-4 pm EST any day of the week with a peak occurring on Wednesdays at 3 pm EST

On the blogging front, according to HubSpot’s Dan Zarella, the best time to post is between 8 am and 10 am EST, with posts earlier in the week performing better.

But it’s not quite this simple. As B2B marketers, we must consider that our targets interact with us as part of their workday rather than as a distraction from it. With this in mind, it seems reasonable to assume that we will see high levels of engagement when we post earlier in the day and that we should avoid posting on weekends in most circumstances. It’s also important to consider time zones. While the times highlighted by Bitly and HubSpot are in the Eastern time zone, you should absolutely post based on the time zone(s) where most of your target market resides. If you have a bicoastal or international customer base, you may need to consider posting and reposting during various times throughout the day and night to reach everyone. What other considerations do you take into account when deciding how to time your social media posts?