The Five People You Need on a Data-Driven Marketing Project

Group projects are never easy. Personalities collide, lines of communication get crossed, and somebody always seems to end up doing the majority of the work while others contribute little. At Movéo, we know that the best teams are made made up of different personalities with different skill sets, so we always plan group projects with our own strengths and weaknesses in mind. Some are great planners, some can motivate and lead others, while some of us are best crunching numbers and creating elaborate spreadsheets.

But what are the personalities you need on your team to ensure the success of your next marketing project? Read on as we discuss the five personalities that make up a great team.

The Dreamer

No matter how data-driven your plan is, you need someone who’s able to dream big and think creatively. The dreamer is the main creative, the person who first comes up with a marketing goal, overarching strategy and some clever tactics they’d like to try. While this person is great at thinking outside the box, implementation may not be their strong suit–which is why we have the next few team members.

The Scientist

If the dreamer has his or her head in the clouds, the scientist has both feet planted firmly on the ground–although these roles work closely together. The scientist is responsible for transforming the dreamer’s vision into reality by defining metrics, tracking data and reporting back on results. The scientist transforms very high-level strategy into tactics, action plans and KPIs, and is responsible for the hard data that comes with it.

The Soldier

The right-hand (wo)man of the scientist, the soldier is the one who implements plans. They’re the one responsible for creating content as the scientist and dreamer see fit–writing the blog post, designing the next great creative piece, building the lead-gen campaign, and whatever else is necessary to make progress toward the big goal. The soldier is on the front lines of every marketing effort, and is often the face of the campaign.

The Diplomat

Often working closely with the soldier, the diplomat has the ability to smoothly and effectively operate at different levels of the project. They are equally adept at helping with daily project management as they at adapting strategy to new data, and have the ability move between clients, vendors, partners and members of the team with ease. If there’s an issue to be communicated, the diplomat is the one to carry that information through the group and ensure alignment.

The Manager

Who keeps all these people on track? That’s the manager. Their job is to make sure everybody is doing what they’re supposed to, and that all operations are working smoothly toward the main goal. It’s the manager’s job to take creative content from the dreamer, analytics from the scientist, feedback from the soldier, and observations from the diplomat and translate it into both long-term and short-term strategy and daily work to keep the team operating smoothly.

Let us know: which personality are you? What kind could you use more of at your firm?


Photo Credit: Financial Times via Flickr Creative Commons