The most powerful brands are self-aware

On Monday, we shared the first of our 10 Simple Truths About Strong Brands: strong brands are forgiven. Developing a powerful brand is an investment, but the value it brings to its company makes it worth the effort. Here’s the second benefit of strong branding:

Truth #2: Strong brands know themselves.

Think about today’s marketing landscape. Brands have countless approaches and platforms to consider. In the social media arena, for example, there are more networks than most companies can handle.

For strong brands, this isn’t a problem. They know themselves and understand exactly which channels fit their brand values and customer base. In return, they experience optimal results. Their marketing spend increases their bottom line, because they’re starting conversations in the right places.

Red Bull is a perfect example. Their “pushing the limits” content strategy is a perfect fit for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google+ and YouTube. They use each network to tell their story and drive sales as a result. Is this right for every company? Absolutely not. The important thing is that they can answer that question for themselves.

To discover your own company’s voice and strengthen your brand, ask these three questions:

1. What needs do my customers have?

There are countless ways to discover your customers’ needs. Examine social data, analyze website traffic or conduct a survey to explore what they want, and think about how your company relates as you shape brand values.

2. How can my company help meet those needs?

How does your product relate to your customers’ deepest needs? Once you understand your customers’ pain points, you can shape your content marketing strategy in a way that demonstrates how your offerings provide relief. Your brand will be strengthened as you relay its message in ways that resonate, and your sales will increase as a result.

3. What marketing strategies help fulfill those goals while reflecting my brand’s truth?

Your marketing strategy should be shaped by your brand values and your customers’ needs. Combining those in an integrated approach brings brand strength and confidence to companies of every size.

Does your brand understand where it can be most powerful?

Image via (cc) Tela Chhe