When you’ve been in business a long time, it’s easy to become jaded, but this never happens with strong brands. When “firing on all cylinders,” brands acquire a special patina. They develop an air that attracts, charms and influences. They pull you into an orbit and keep you there.

Truth #10: Strong brands glow.

Have you noticed the vibrancy strong brands seem to have? It’s impossible to put your finger on that “special something” of companies like Apple, Coke and Nike, but it’s certainly there. The elusive nature of their glow has been proven time and again when companies who attempt to imitate them fall short.

Peter Drucker once said that “management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.” Simply put, strong brands have an uncanny ability to deliver on the things that truly matter. This inspires people to become devoted followers and purchase their products.

Here are three ways to make your brand glow:


1. Be human

Never sacrifice your brand’s human voice. Use it to connect and engage customers, and they’ll become your advocates. Whether it’s a tweet, a phone call or your website copy, take every opportunity to show you’re not a robot.

2. Be timeless

Trends are great, but timeless is better. Give your brand a look and a feel that will stand the test of time and be relevant for years to come. Never be afraid to make changes to keep it that way.

3. Be authentic

Mean what you say, no matter what form of media or communication you’re dealing with. Every touchpoint on your customer journey should demonstrate authenticity, from the inside out. Your customers will notice and become loyal fans.

Does your brand draw people in?