Three New Ways to Use Email for B2B Marketing

Despite the growth of mobile and social, a recent study from BtoB Magazine indicates that a majority of marketers still consider email to be their most essential marketing tool. Though it doesn’t get as much hype as other digital tools, email remains the most trusted form of internet-based consumer engagement.

Email is so popular, in fact, that  it can be difficult to make your email campaigns stand out among the endless influx of e-newsletters and email promotions that flow into our target customer’s inbox. Here are three ways to keep your emails from blending in with the crowd:

Express your gratitude

Just as handwritten thank you notes charm those who receive them, a B2B thank you email goes a long way. Consider an email campaign that does not ask for anything. Instead, take a moment to thank your business partners and clients for their partnership. While it can be nice to correlate this type of email with a holiday, it might be even more effective to send it on a normal day, no strings attached.

The greater good

If your company plans to volunteer at a nonprofit event, consider inviting your partners to join you. Likewise, if an internal charitable donation is being collected, offer businesses an incentive for contributing. This promotes goodwill and a feeling of community. Your subscribers will appreciate feeling like part of the team, and it provides a good chance to be in touch with them in a way that does not seem entirely self-serving. Businesses will notice your thoughtful approach to communication and your awareness of the world at large. Movéo has sent emails in support of our annual Movember initiative with great results.

Profile clients

Marketers know that consumers love personal narratives. Replace your typical e-newsletter with a special “About the Client/Customer” feature. In it, highlight how a particular business finds success with your products or services. Subscribers will benefit from relating your product to a personal narrative, and may realize new potential for your product or service after seeing how someone else uses it.

What’s the best thing you’ve done with email marketing lately?

Photo credit: ePublicist