We’ve been talking a lot about planning and preparation for 2013 on Get There, so you might have guessed we’ve been doing a bit of behind-the-scenes planning of our own here at Movéo.

As we do, we’re giving a lot of thought to the direction we want to take this blog in 2013 and beyond. We have a few great ideas and new features up our sleeves, but we’re also interested in hearing more about what you want.

Is there a specific topic you’d like to learn more about? Social media? Lead generation? Marketing automation?

Would you like to see more practical, how-to type posts, or do you prefer more industry analysis and opinion?

Are you interested in new types of content like videos and podcasts?

Are there specific practice areas or members of our team you’d like hear from more often?

Whatever you’re thinking, feel free to share it in the comments or email it to Alyssa@moveo.com and we’ll be sure to take it into consideration. After all, this blog is for you.

Check back here soon for the full video!

Featured image via: nekkid tees