Increased access to data has caused mammoth shifts in the past several years, and one key change relates to customer relationship management (CRM). Today, data rules CRM with the power to impact every touchpoint. Relationships managed without an eye on hard numbers and analytics lack the relevance and effectiveness that a data-driven approach provides.

Data analysis empowers organizations to improve customer retention and long-term loyalty by helping companies to better tailor their offering and marketing approach to their customers’ specific needs and behaviors. Smart companies use data to inform every decision they make, from serving ads to targeting. By better understanding the needs and pain points of their communities, B2B companies can use data to create mutually beneficial business experiences.

Here are four ways customer relationships can be optimized through data analysis:

1) Nurturing Leads

Use your CRM tools to manage leads as well as current customers. Optimize delivery times for sales emails and use segmentation techniques to catch the eye of your next customer in a way that feels highly tailored and personal.The data will reveal what engages your leads, so pay attention.

2) Make the Most of Customer Habits

Combine the power of aggregate data with more specific information about individual customers to shape your ongoing interactions with each contact.

3) Integrate Your Strategies

Use your CRM to track customer touchpoints and improve your service. From operations to billing, track requests and completed tasks to keep communications organized and on schedule. Disperse client projects across your own workforce strategically to create a smooth and consistent experience for the customer.

4) Manage Future Needs

Track past projects relationships and results, and tailor future solutions or products directly to customer needs. Note upcoming opportunities and schedule reminders for your own workforce to reach out with relevant tools and offers. Use your CRM tool to gather information about customer preferences and successful campaigns, and develop future approaches to address the needs you discover.

How does data analysis influence your company’s relationships?

Photo Credit: Marc Smith via Flickr Creative Commons