Why Campaign Predictability is Essential to Your ROI

It’s hard to believe that we’re almost finished with the second quarter of 2015. With only one more month to go, it’s essential to begin thinking about how you’re going to prove your marketing ROI in the next quarterly meeting. If you’ve been working on improving the predictability of your campaigns, demonstrating a current and future return on investment will be a much easier feat.

Why is campaign predictability so important to proving your ROI?

Predictability = Smarter Choices

It’s no secret that we believe the best marketing campaigns are built around data. Data allows us to to evaluate the market climate and buyer habits, track campaign performance in real time and make adjustments accordingly. But data can help us do more than simply determine the ROI of a current campaign. It can also help us predict the success of future campaigns based on insights about how similar efforts have performed in the past. With this knowledge at our disposal, we can make smarter choices and better marketing investments to maximize ROI in the future.

Predictability = Accountability

Predicting the performance of a campaign now keeps us accountable to its success in the future. When we use data to demonstrate our predictions for how a new lead gen program, content effort or email campaign will perform, we’re telling those who oversee our work what they can expect from us and helping them understand our success.

Predictability = Proactivity

At the end of the day, your C-Suite is focused on two things: driving growth in the present and maximizing opportunities for growth in the future. When you demonstrate that you’re dedicated to both optimizing marketing performance today, and improving it tomorrow, you show that you’re a proactive thinker who is just as concerned with maximizing future growth as the rest of the C-Suite.

Marketers, let us know: how are you using your predictions to prove your marketing ROI?