Marketing and AI: sorting the hype from the help

When it comes to artificial intelligence (AI) and marketing – fear of missing out runs rampant. And yet, never has a technology so less understood been catapulted to such a state of dizziness in such a short period (with the possible exception of the metaverse).

AI has actually been around for a good while. Believe it or not, work started on it in the 1950s, and it has been steadily improving ever since. Sometimes that “steadiness” is given a good push by innovation and investment. Neural networks in 2012. Large language models in 2018. Generative AI in 2022.

But what do the steady advances in AI mean for marketers? Should you fire your staff? Fire your agency? Fire yourself? Or are the technology’s capabilities failing to live up to the hype (for now)?

These questions can’t be answered simply, but they can be answered. That’s why we’ve created a series of communications on AI that attempt to do just that.

How do we know what we’re talking about? First, AI is not new to Movéo. Way back in 2017, in a blog post titled “Artificial Intelligence in Marketing,” we wrote: 

“Ad tech companies use AI to power programmatic exchanges and to automatically optimize ad campaigns. Search engine companies use it to power smart bidding of terms. Marketing automation software relies on it to send nurture emails and qualify leads. Many companies are using AI technology to improve the customer experience.”

But even before that post, we started looking for ways to incorporate this technology to help our clients. That’s why we partnered with AI specialists to develop cutting-edge data analysis and machine learning approaches to help solve marketing challenges. For example, many healthcare organizations benefit from using AI to fully understand the patient journey and create more effective strategies. We saw AI’s potential then, and we see it now. The power of AI is not something to be threatened by, but something to be leveraged — and the business use cases for AI go far beyond the ChatGPT headlines.

We invite you to browse our showcase of real-world examples of how we’re using the power of AI to help our clients. And we promise to leave the hype to others.